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Gladiators having it out
See it all tonight! Starts at 6

Big Program at the Amphitheatre Tonight

Tonight, live at the amphitheatre – see gladiators hunt exotic beasts.

The show commences at 6pm, but get there early if you want a good seat.

Tonight's main event will be Celadus the Thracian taking on Lucius Raecius.

That will be a clash worth watching, for sure, but there is also a lot of interest in the first supporting bout.

Teachers Set To Battle

The first round tonight will be novel event ushering in a new age in education and industrial relations.

All Pompeii's TAFE teachers will be herded into the amphitheatre to battle it out for the remaining job.

The last man, or woman, standing will be declared the winner but will receive less pay than they used to. "It's all because of the budget emergency," Senator for Education, Backus Upus explained.

The Forum of Pompeii
Last week's winner
tomorrow's Pullus Fusilis

Cock Fights To Be Moved

Many of our readers will recall the ugly incident last week at the regular cock fights outside the Porta Del Vesuvio:

A mad person leapt into the ring and separated the birds while crying out that chooks had rights like people!

The lunatic has since been quietly crucified but organisers fear there might be more like him out there.

Consequently, the venue for future cock fights will be moved to the Little Theatre, which, as you know, is across the via from The Great Theatre.

To pay for the rent of the theatre, cock fight organiser You Betus says that an entry fee will have to be charged.

...continued from "Cock Fights Moved"...

"That's the trouble with these lunatics," You Betus said, "they don't think about the effect they are having on other people, ordinary folk like you and me".

"Now," Betus continued, "we have to pay to get into what has been the birth-right of every Pompeiian since time immemorial - to watch a couple of chooks tear each other to bits. Fancy having to pay to see that!" Cock fighting will resume on Tuesday afternoon, as usual.

Drawing of a Thracian Gladiator
Expensive Graffiti

Graffiti Vandal Strikes Amphitheatre

Graffiti vandals have drawn a Thracian on the outside of the Amphitheatre again. "They will be crucified if we catch them!" said the Pompeii City Council workers who had to scrub it off before tonight's games - again!


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